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New camera experience on Nexus 4 ” Photo Sphere “

Penulis : رياضة لايف22 on Friday, March 15, 2013 | 5:13 PM

While Android phones on the whole have had panoramic modes for years, Apple’s iOS 6 update added even more fuel to that fire. Now, Google’s taking things to an entirely new level. With Android 4.2, users can snap pictures in every direction, and the system does the stitching. What you’re left with are photos that can be navigated, taking viewers “inside of the scene.” Photo Spheres are stored as JPEG files, and all of the information required to view them is embedded as open XML metadata in the image itself. You’ll be able to peek ‘em on your phone or share them easily through Google+, and perhaps best of all, publish them to Google Maps for the world to see. Head on past the break to see what you’ve got to look forward to.
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